
At my first agency internship, I redesigned a marketing page for Zocdoc's Integration Partner program. My tasks included web design, UI design, and illustration.
Design Intern
February 2024
Design @ Bazy Inc.

See the live design on Zocdoc's Become a Zocdoc Integration Partner page!

One of my biggest internship projects at Bazy Inc. was the redesign of a marketing page on Zocdoc's website.

Zocdoc↗︎ is an online health service that allows people to find and book in-person or telemedicine appointments for medical or dental care. Since being founded in 2007, they now have over 6 million patients using their service every month

This integral page within Zocdoc's site promotes the "Zocdoc Integration Partner" program which allows leading practice management software companies bring Zocdoc features to their clients (other hospitals, doctors, etc).
Starting Off...

Before & After

But how did we get here?

The rebrand
In 2016, Zocdoc went through a major rebrand from Wolff Olins, bringing a bolder and more colorful style that allowed them to stand out from other healthcare companies.

Since then, the brand has been evolving to incorporate illustrative and playful styles. Our team's goal was to reflect these brand changes within this page, and bring consistency with the rest of their website.
Other marketing pages on Zocdoc's website
The Goal
Of course, the main goal of this page is to encourage a partnership with Zocdoc. To do this, we had to focus on highlighting important benefits and information of this program.

Zocdoc wanted to better emphasize...

(1) the program's benefits
(2) the top companies that are already partnered with them
(3) encourage potential partners to be the highest-tier partner (an "advanced" partner)

To do this, I focused on how layout could allow for a better flow of information, and displaying the three different partnership tiers in a clear hierarchy.
Ideation Begins
One solution was to include partner logos within the advanced partnership tiers — potential partners can see leading companies already partnered with Zocdoc, which builds trust and confidence in the program. The question was, how can we best show this? 
Displaying logos
The original page had a logo wall that displayed all their current partnered companies. But with Zocdoc's evolving look including bolder, brighter colors, having the logos be the same colors allowed for a cleaner look. This can be seen in displays of logos on other parts of their site.
With this mind, I created two variations of how the logos could live in the partnership section.

Option A highlights the advanced tier with a taller card and distinct yellow button. Advanced partners are listed out in text. However, this option doesn't allow the option to show the logos of the advanced partners, and there is a bit of a disconnect with the other partners listed below.

Option B highlights the advanced tier with a large, horizontal card and distinct yellow button. This option shows the logos of the advanced partners within in the highest partnership tier card. However, it doesn't read as easily as a partnership tier, and might be confusing.

We landed on a third iteration that most simply displayed the advanced partnership tier:
But what about the partners?
Zooming Out
After some more brainstorming, I began to look at the page as whole to see beyond just the partnership tiers and rather see its context.

I found that the benefits section started off with copy that said "Top EHRs integrate with Zocdoc to scale growth opportunities for their existing customers and attract new ones." Thinking from a viewer's perspective, I began to think "Who are the Top EHR's?" It would not be until I reached the end of the page to make that connection.

Thus came the decision to move the logos up the page and into the benefits section, allowing for a clearer connection between the top copy and the partners.
The Final Iteration
After some content changes from the Zocdoc team, we landed on this final version to be handed off to development:

Working at Bazy Inc gave me a glimpse into agency work, which is an opportunity I will forever be grateful for. It was incredible to work on such a diverse range of projects in such a short period of time, and this project will always be one of my favorites! It was a great chance to learn how branding and web design can work together to visualize information, and I can't wait to apply my learnings to future web-based projects.

Special shoutout to Brian, founder of Bazy Inc, for trusting in me and consistently giving me feedback. I truly learned a lot from my internship, and I can't wait to see where Bazy Inc. goes!